Wa Wa Wa

The Stupidest Injury I've Ever Gotten

(This post contains mentions of blood and injury. If that's not something you're willing to read, here's a random cat picture service.)

Let me tell you, dear reader(s?), about the stupidest injury I've ever gotten.

It was an evening, and a tired WaWaWa guy (that's me!) was returning home from work. I was thirsty, so I fancied a glass of water. But I've had an idea - what if instead of drinking room temperature tap water like a peasant, I will instead drink cool water. Cool people drink cool water. Yes, I thought - I will get me some ice.

I approached the freezer with a glass in my hand. Little did I know that I was going to regret that. I opened the freezer door, and started a Rube Goldbergesque chain of events:

I opened the door, which apparently supported a blender that was stored on the fridge. The blender fell straight on the glass I was holding, shattering it in my hand. A shard of glass went through the tip of my finger, slicing it almost enough to completely separate it from its rightful place on the, well, tip of my finger.

Screaming, blood, more blood, hospital.

After some bleeding, waiting and bleeding (as customary in ERs), the doctors insisted that no stitches are needed for my now-bleeding-for-a-few-hours finger and its runaway part. They put some ointment, lots of bandage and sent me home. Instead, my friends and I went to eat something nearby, waiting to see if the ointment will convince the bleeding to stop.

It didn't.

Back at the hospital, with a now all-red bandage, the doctor insisted that stitches aren't necessary and blamed me for moving the finger too much. I wen't back to the waiting area with a new bandage, then back to the doctors.

At this stage, one of the doctors said to the other that hey, maybe this guy with a split finger that doesn't stop bleeding at all DOES need stitches. I've got my stitches, but the doctors weren't very nice about it.

To this day, I have a small scar to remind me of a very important lesson - Don't open the freezer door while holding a glass in your hand if you store a blender on top of the fridge.

My blender lives in a closet now.

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