Wa Wa Wa

Tea Hosting - Why Do I Do That?

I've been hosting tea ceremonies once in a while for a few months now. At the time of writing, I'm also in the beginning of a twice-a-week tea hosting for a few months after sharing and posting about it more, which I'm both excited about and hope that it's not too much. There are a few reasons why I host:

Meeting People

I moved to a different city about three years ago, and one of my problems here is that it's a bit lonely. Most of my friends are from where I lived before for 11 years. It's not that it's very far away, but the distance - which requires me to use mediocre public transport or taxis - makes everything an effort and/or an expense. It's less spontaneous and approachable than it previously was.

Hosting tea is an opportunity to meet people - Both friends, acquaintances from social media, and new people. I'm (sometimes) a social being, and this helps filling that part.

Drinking Good Tea

Drinking tea also mean that we're using up my tea. I have a tea closet. It's full, and at my regular rate I don't manage to empty it quickly enough, which means that I have to choose between not trying new things, and having an overly full tea closet which I don't get to fully enjoy (and in which some of the tea might spoil). Sharing my tea with other people means that they, and me, actually get to enjoy it.


Gongfu cha - the Chinese tea ceremony - is something that people find relaxing. I'm not good at mindfulness, but the combination of handling the tea equipment, the flavors and the conversation creates a relaxing bubble around us. One of my guests wrote that our session was one of the most relaxing times he had in a rough several months, and I find that even if I'm not hyper-relaxed, I consistently finish those sessions in a good mood.


In conclusion, I highly recommend. If you're looking for a relaxing hobby, let me recommend gongfu cha - alone or with friends. If you wonder where to begin, I'll be happy to talk.

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