Wa Wa Wa

Tea Hosting - How's it Going?

The Friday before the last one was the first tea hosting I did in a once or twice a week, three months long stretch of booked sessions.

So far I've had three meetings in this stretch - A friend and her mom and a couple of friends (friends who are also a couple) came the last two Fridays, and three women that my girlfriend knows came this morning.

So far, this has been a mostly positive, charging experience for me - it's fun to talk about tea and drink it, to see people get excited and enjoy themselves, to get good feedback for something I do. So far, doing this proves to be a good idea, and I hope nothing will happen to change my mind.

There are two kinds of future sessions I'm a bit nervous about though.

The first one is sessions with strangers - Most of my sessions are for people I know, but a small number of them are for people I never met before. What if we'll have nothing to talk about or if they'll turn out to be jerks?

Don't get me wrong - getting to strangers was a part of my mission with this, and I hope to meet cool new people and maybe make friends - but the fear still exists.

The second type of session is with people I know, but who don't know each other. In most sessions, people come in small groups (2-3 people), so they know each other. In one session, however, I accommodate people who wanted to come alone and meet other people at the event. I feel like because I matched those people for the same session, it's my responsibility for things to go well between them - but I cannot guarantee that.

Again - I think this kind of meetings is good and has a lot of potential, but it's a bit risky.

I'm also hosting tea at work this week, meaning I'll host three times this week, making it my most busy one, hosting-wise, in the near future.

Wish me luck!

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