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My Relationship With Cooking

My relationship with cooking is complicated.

I usually can't bring myself to do it. It feels like a lot of effort. Moreso, it feels like the kind of effort where I can easily screw up.

First, I need to go shopping for the groceries I need. Since we don't cook regularly, we don't have lots of fresh ingredients handy, because there are chances we'll end up throwing them away. However, this means that there are additional time and energy needs should I want to cook something.

Then there's cooking itself - Many times, this feels like too much effort and requires lots of energy from me. That might've been okay if it was purely a hobby, but it's not - it's a task.

Then there's the fact that I don't handle kitchen fails too well - they really bum me out. They feel like a waste. This is something that's mainly about doing some work with myself. Still, it's there.

My spouse cooks sometimes, but she's much busier than me and doesn't always have the time to do it, so I feel like it should, optimally, be my responsibility.

Sometimes I like to cook, but it's mainly when it's a special project (I might write about some of my high-effort sandwiches in the future), or if it's an easy to make ingredient.

For example, I'm responsible for making the peanut butter and almond butter that we eat. It's a simple to make ingredient - you put things in the blender, fight it a little and wait; It's hard to screw up once I figured out the recipe; And the results are totally worth it (if I may say so myself).

However, this is more of me doing a hobby than me properly adulting a task.

We end up ordering a lot of food. This is both expensive and not fun when done regularly. There are home-cooking services where I live, where you can order a few day's worth of food that's cheaper and more home-y than the average restaurant, but my girlfriend didn't like most of what we've got from there.

Do you have any ideas about how to develop this muscle, regularly do the task that is cooking for our daily or weekly needs?

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