Wa Wa Wa

My Cat, Izzy

My cat's name is Izzy.

Izzy is 11 years old, but he looks younger, I think.

Izzy is very talkative. He meows a lot when he wants something, and sometimes just because he can.

Izzy was diagnosed with depression, but SSRI made him much better. One of the side effects is that he's now eating less. He lost weight and he now weighs 8 kilos.

As you may understand, Izzy is a big cat - he's long and wide and tall. He also used to be fat. Now he's... semi-fat?

Izzy is a very handsome cat.

I feel like Izzy trained us. Sometimes when he meows, we answer him with a meow of our own.

Sometimes, Izzy gets "activated" - His pupils grow, and he runs around the house. Izzy's big enough so that you'll hear him running around the house.

Izzy is generally friendly, and will come to investigate new guests. If they pet him - not too aggressively, he's not a dog, thank you very much - he'll rub against them.

When my girlfriend comes back home, Izzy is happy, so he comes and rubs against my leg to celebrate.

You couldn't tell by looking, but Izzy is a picky eater. He does like his daily snack though.

Izzy also likes ice cubes. When I get ice out of the freezer, he'll come and demand some for himself. I'll then put one or two ice cubes in his water, and he'll just sit and stare.

Izzy is a wonderful cat and I hope that I give him a good home.

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