Wa Wa Wa

Making some progress with my game again!

Last year I started creating a computer game - a top down shooter, inspired by a game that I liked playing 20ish years ago but with a twist.

While I did create some beginnings of games when I was young, this was my first time writing a game in a very long while, and the first time using a modern engine to do that.

I’ve had so much fun working on that game for the few months that I did. The combination of many gradual small tasks and the fact that they translate to aesthetically pleasing or just fun results was extremely satisfying.

However, as it so commonly happens, I abandoned the project…

…until last week.

I recently joined a small Facebook group and complained about how I abandoned this project. For some reason, this gave me a boost of motivation to add small things to it. I started by adding screen shaking when destroying enemies, and continued by adding three new enemies to the roster - one that took me a few minutes, one that kept me busy for an hour and one that required some rewrites around the code in order to make it work.

It’s very fun playing a game that you created, even when it’s finished. And for every small change, every new addition, you get to play a slightly better, slightly more mature game. A new, improved experience. And you get just a little bit optimistic - who knows, maybe you’ll end up finishing this project.

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#gamedev #side_projects