Wa Wa Wa

Introduction, Because of Blaugust

One of the challenges of Blaugust to writers was to introduce themselves and tell about their blog. It's a second week challenge, but I never did write an introductory post, and it seems like a good way to start this month. Here's for the opportunity!


Hi, I'm Miki!

I'm 38 years old at the time of writing.

I'm a front-end developer, but since 2017 I work part-time. This gives me a 4-days weekend and makes burnout much less of a problem. I might blog about this choice in the future.

I like puns, aesthetic things, interesting trivia and good company. I'm a foodie of both the edible and drinkable varieties and a bit of a nerd in several random subjects, a recent one being tea - I host Chinese tea ceremonies (gongfu cha), and, at the time of writing, enjoying the new display closet I've got for my teaware collection.

I'm in a relationship with May, who also likes aesthetic things and earns her bread by doing aesthetic things - graphic design and dinosaur illustrations. I'm also the father of Izzy, a very big, very vocal cat.

I'm an atheist and I'm trying to practice positive nihilism (the "positive" part being the one that needs practice) - I believe that it's up to us to find meaning in this chaotic world. While I feel like I figured a bit of it out for myself, I still have some way to go - both in theory and in practicing what I've already learned.

The Blog

Being fed up with the low quality of my Facebook doom scrolling, I was looking for alternative venues to get my Internet. Checking my hundreds of open tabs, I've encountered Bear Blog and started reading posts from its discovery feed.

It didn't take me long to figure out that in order to participate in this kind of community, I could try blogging myself.

This blog is, and will be, a collection of personal experiences, opinions and of things I find interesting. I keep it strictly non-professional - I like my line of work, but this blog is a hobby to sink into, not a place to think about this part of my life.

I'm good at abandoning hobbies, and hope that this blog will not become a part of this trend, at least for a while.

I also hope the blog and the activity around it will be an instrument to have a positive impact on other people in a small way, and maybe a way to meet new friends.

If you have anything to say about any of my posts, my contact details are, and will be, below each one of them. I'll be happy to hear from you.

Let’s talk about this: [e-mail] [Facebook]
