Wa Wa Wa

I'm Going to Lecture in Front of a Crowd

I wanted to do a professional lecture for a while.

That’s partially true - I want to do that, but I’m also afraid.

I want to, because it feels like an important step in making myself known in the industry - something that’s especially important for freelancers, such as myself. Also, it could be a fun experience.

On the other hand, I’m afraid of lecturing in front of crowds. What if I’ll look or talk funny? What if everything will go terribly? What if people will remain with a negative opinion about me?

Those fears, though, feel like ones that mainly hold me back for no real good reason - people survived giving bad lectures. I’ve been to some, and I don’t really remember the lecturers. Even if I do, I know that they’re bad lecturers, but that doesn’t mean much about their professional abilities (usually).

So when someone at my workplace was looking for lecturers for a meetup, I jumped at the opportunity.

This will be my second professional lecture, and the first one in front of a live audience. My other lecture happened from the comfort of my study over Zoom, thanks to the Corona virus quarantines.

I have a month to prepare a lecture and conquer my fears.

Wish me luck!

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