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How to Make Peanut Butter

Yesterday I mentioned that I make home-made peanut butter. Here's how to do it:


The most important thing is to have a good blender - optimally a 2200 watts one.

Vitamix are the main known player in this field, and they offer excellent, and crazy expensive, blenders. I use this blender by Biolomix. It's noisy, but it's cheap, strong and so far it lived and blender-ed stuff for about 8 years.


I found that using a combination of salted and unsalted peanuts works better than just using unsalted peanuts and adding salt.

The 3:2 ratio works for me, but feel free to tweak it to your taste.

What to Do

In order to make peanut butter, put roasted peanuts and a bit of oil in the blender and blend on maximum power.

At first, you'll have to use the blender's baton to move things around. Gradually, and maybe by adding a bit more oil if things don't improve, it'll become liquid enough to continue stirring and blending on its own.

The process heats the peanut butter. That's okay for me, but maybe more health-conscious people would prefer using a food processor or another instrument instead. I'm not sure how it'll affect the texture though.

The peanut butter will harden a bit when cooled down. I recommend pouring it to jars while it's still hot. If the peanut butter is too sticky for you, you should've used more oil. I didn't try to blend existing peanut butter in order to do that, but it might be possible.


You now know how to make excellent peanut butter.

I like to eat it on bread, using it for cookies and as an ingredient for sauce for Asian stir-fries, and giving jars as gifts.


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