Wa Wa Wa

Define What it Means to be Done

I'm an ideas guy more than en execution guy. Sometimes I start working on an idea I have for a project, but I rarely, if ever, get it done.

Getting back to working on a previously abandoned project makes me feel that there's a chance that I might get this one project done. That's nice, until I understand that I have absolutely no idea what it means to be done here.

Right now I'm mainly adding new enemies. Those projects are small, fun and contained, taking a few minutes to a few hours each. I want the game to have a big choice of enemies in order to make the gameplay more novel and let even experienced players to find new ones after several games. But how many are enough?

I have a few bugs to iron. Should I add a tutorial? Should I redraw all of the sprites with predefined styling guidelines? Should I allow to customize keyboard input? What about other game modes if any?

The game is kinda playable as it is now, but what else do I have to do in order for it to be, to feel, done?

I think I'm going to talk to a friend to see exactly what's left in order to have the bare minimum of a done game, and make a list.

And I hope that having a list of tasks, some not as fun as the others, won't deter me from continuing my work on this game.

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#gamedev #side_projects