Wa Wa Wa


I hate being bored.

I’ve read some articles, seen some YouTube videos, about how we should learn to be bored again; how our phones always keep us busy, and boredom is actually a good thing, and how it’s the source of creativity and new ideas.

But I hate being bored and I’m not very good at it.

When I’m bored, I might watch something as a distraction. I might read something or scroll my Facebook feed (though starting to follow blogs and sites with an RSS feed and almost abandoning the Facebook feed feels a bit better). I might end up doing a short chore around the house, but this doesn’t happen enough. My distractions are not very satisfying in the end.

I feel like I should have more creative hobbies and more social outputs. For example, when I actually work on a computer game, it’s a much more satisfying way of spending my time. But I don’t always have ideas for what to do, or the mood or the energy to do the ideas I do have. This means I end up - again - bored or distracting myself in ways that make me feel bad about them afterwards.

Another distraction that should make me feel good, and that I should do for health reasons anyway, are sports. But this is hard and problematic for me, so it doesn’t happen. i might write more about this in a separate post.

How do you handle boredom? How do you fill your free time?

Let’s talk about this: [e-mail] [Facebook]
