Wa Wa Wa


This year I'll be participating at blaugust - A monthly blogging challenge with a nice community around it to boot. This will be my first blogging challenge!

As I do my first steps in the tiny web, I emailed Lou Plummer for suggestions about how to get started. He graciously responded me with some advice, which included the suggestion to participate in Blaugust. So, here I am.

The original challenge was to write 31 posts for the 31 days of August. This is still an achievement, but there are now several more modest ones. I'm aiming at posting 15 posts during the challenge.

So far I'm not stressing out about it, and I'm trying a "go with the flow" and "I'll blog when I get to it" approach, with the hopes that it won't bite me back in the bum later. At the time of writing, I have two scheduled posts, which is... a start, I guess.

So far I really enjoy Blaugust's discord - the community is small but active, the people are very nice and supportive and there are channels for both "business" (e.g. Writing Prompts) and pleasure (e.g. general discussion about stuff).

Wish me luck!

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