Wa Wa Wa

An Emcounter with a Beggar

Today I've been approached by a beggar.

Sometimes I do want to give something, but the problem is that I leave home wallet-less - I carry only my phone and my keys. I do have an emergency bill, but I won't donate it because, well, it's there for emergencies.

Instead, what I sometimes do is to offer to buy them something - a food item or a drink.

Today that wasn't an option, as I was waiting for a bus that was about to arrive soon. So I had another idea - transfer money using an app. She agreed and pulled out her phone, but... she didn't know her own number. She asked another person who came with her - "what's the number of the new phone?"

This feels to me like her phone was a stolen one, but I hope I'm wrong.

Honestly, this is a dump of something that happened to me, and there isn't much of a point to this post. If you take anything out of this, let it be the option to buy someone in need something instead of giving them cash, as another way to help.

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